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Small Basic Resources (backup from TechNet Gallery)

Small Basic: GetShapes VBA: Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook

This worksheet has a macro GetShapes to create a code including shape array for Microsoft Small Basic programming language. To run the macro GetShape, push [GetShaps] button. So, you can get a code as a textbox text.This array is treated in Shapes editor. But there are two virtu

Download: GetShapes VBA.xlsm


This worksheet has a macro GetShapes to create a code including shape array for Microsoft Small Basic programming language.

GetShapes for Excel VBA

To run the macro GetShape, push [GetShape] button. So, you can get a code as a textbox text.

GetShapes for Excel VBA with output

This array is treated in Shapes editor. But there are two virtual functions trap (trapezoid) and hex (hexagon).

These two virtual functions are converted to rect (rectangle), tri (triangle) and line in this program (SJG122).

Converted Small Basic Code


  1. Open Sheet3.
  2. Draw a picture in the white rectangle with shapes.
  3. Push [GetShapes] button.
  4. Copy generated code and paste to replace shape array initial code in Shapes_Init subroutine in SJG122 (above).
  5. Modify iMax to the number of elements in new shape array.
  6. Delete shapes in Sheet3 if needed. You can select shapes to delete by following sequence. (1) Select a shape. (2) Select [DRAWING TOOLS] [FORMAT] [Arrange] [Selection Pane]. (3) Click shape names with pushing [Ctrl] key. Don’t delete last two shapes Bevel and Rectangle.

Known Issues

See Also

Verified on the following platforms

Platform Verified
Windows 10 Yes
Windows Server 2012 Yes
Windows Server 2012 R2 No
Windows Server 2008 R2 Yes
Windows Server 2008 Yes
Windows Server 2003 Yes
Windows Server 2016 No
Windows 8 Yes
Windows 7 Yes
Windows Vista Yes
Windows XP Yes
Windows 2000 Yes